Posts Tagged ‘warblers’
Princeton University Press just announced an app based on The Warbler Guide will be available for iOS devices in December. Among the list of features, one in particular caught my eye: 3D models of birds in all plumages, rotatable and pinch-zoomable to match field experience of a bird That could be AWESOME! That’s one way […]
by Richard Weeks
The pictures, paintings, and story of the author’s attempt to photograph all the regularly breeding warblers in the United States.
52 Small Birds by Richard Weeks From Richard Weeks: Wood warblers are among the most sought-after of the spring migrants. The small, colorful birds provide motivation for thousands of birders from throughout the world to travel to locations both popular and obscure. 52 Small Birds describes the eight year quest of a bird artist to […]
by Tom Stephenson and Scott Whittle
The new go-to guide for warbler identification.
The Warbler Guide by Tom Stephenson and Scott Whittle There’s a lot to say about The Warbler Guide, a new photographic guide to North American warblers. There’s so much, in fact, that I can’t fit it all into one review. So in this first part I will go over the heart of the book – […]
May 11, 2012

The Kirtland’s Warbler: The Story of a Bird’s Fight Against Extinction and the People Who Saved It
Reviews, Books, Species Monographsby William Rapai
A history of mankind’s dealings with this intriguing bird, especially those people who have studied and saved it from extinction.
As I was kicking around ideas for today’s Warbler Week post, I thought about doing one on my favorite warbler book. But I realized there was a problem with that…I didn’t know what it was. Just as I can’t single out one particular warbler as my favorite, there are too many warbler books to pick […]
No, I’m not referring to some creation by ILM similar to some of the “birds” in The Big Year movie. Rather, this is about warblers in digital media. These birds are featured in all kinds of books, but are sadly underrepresented in the digital realm. In fact, I’m only aware of two items: a set […]
May 7, 2012

Cerulean Blues: A Personal Search for a Vanishing Songbird
Reviews, Books, Miscellaneous, Reviews, Books, Species Monographsby Katie Fallon
An entertaining, informative, and beautifully written book about the Cerulean Warbler.
I love warblers. If you’re a birder I could stop right there, for the reasons why are obvious to you and no further explanation is needed. But if you have no idea what I’m talking about, the warblers are a family of small, insectivorous songbirds found in the Americas (sometimes called New World warblers or […]