The only thing better than bird books is cheap bird books! Here are some bargains I’ve found on Amazon. FYI: some of these are remaindered, so there may be a sticker on the cover, or a black mark on the bottom. I’ve bought remaindered books from Amazon before, though, and these have yet to be […]
Posts Tagged ‘To See Every Bird on Earth’
September 23, 2008

To See Every Bird on Earth: A Father, a Son, and a Lifelong Obsession
Reviews, Books, Biographiesby Dan Koeppel
An interesting tale of a man and his obsessive need to see every bird on earth.
I haven’t found a whole lot of bargains at Amazon lately. These are the only two that I’m aware of. To See Every Bird on Earth: A Father, a Son, and a Lifelong Obsession – $4.99 by Dan Koeppel Field Guide to the Birds of Peru – $19.95 by James F. Clements and Noam Shany […]
Here are some good deals on You can hover over the link to check the current price. I’ve been watching the prices on these books for a little while and they have been steadily decreasing. They are all at least 50% off the retail price. However, I’ve seen some prices shoot back up to […]
To See Every Bird on Earth: A Father, a Son, and a Lifelong Obsession, by Dan Koeppel I have yet to read this book, but I just jumped on this deal and it will be added to my queue of books to read. Paperback – $4.99 at No longer available Hardcover – $6.99 at […]