Is there a group of birds with more field guide representation than raptors? It’s not hard to understand why, just think of the words commonly used to describe them: Majestic; fierce; enthralling. Confusing. Is there anything more frustrating than that speck in the sky that just won’t come close enough to identify? Well, how about […]
Posts Tagged ‘Hawks at a Distance’
More bird-book-review goodness. A big thanks to all who post reviews online. As always, if you have written one not included here, please post a link in the comments or otherwise let me know. Pale Male and the Infertile Girl Bourbon, Bastards and Birds Birdwatching With Your Eyes Closed The Well-read Naturalist Birds of Southern […]
Here are the bird book reviews I noted last month. The Birds of New Jersey: Status and Distribution The Nemesis Bird Another Bird Blog Rosyfinch Ramblings Avian Architecture: How Birds Design, Engineer, and Build Birding is Fun! A Charm of Finches The Flying Mullet Audubon Magazine Blog The Birder’s Report New York Times Hawks at […]
May 4, 2011

Hawks at a Distance: Identification of Migrant Raptors
Reviews, Books, Advanced ID, Reviews, Books, Family Guidesby Jerry Liguori
Amaze your birding pals with your ability to identify distant raptors!
I can’t believe it’s May already. Hawks at a Distance: Identification of Migrant Raptors Christian Artuso: Birds, Wildlife Another Bird Blog Avian Review The Drinking Bird The Flying Mullet Audubon Magazine The Nemesis Bird A DC Birding Blog Birds from Behind – one of the most unique reviews I’ve ever seen Naturescape Images The Species […]
A little late, but here are the reviews I saw last month. Parrots of the World Surfbirds A DC Birding Blog National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Birds of North America Birdfreak The Birdchaser 10,000 Birds The Complete Guide to Finding the Birds of Australia Bird-O Watching Warblers (DVD’s) WarblerWatch “Dial B for Birder!”: The […]
2011 has the makings of a great year for bird books. It’s just the end of January and there are already several that I’m anxiously awaiting. Here’s a little of what we have to look forward to. I always look forward to getting the latest field guide. I like to see what new features and […]
If Pete Dunne wrote a restaurant menu, I would read it word for word. He is easily my favorite birding author. Here is a list of all the books that he has written, along with magazines that for which he is a regular contributor. I have read most of these books, and they are without […]