Posts Tagged ‘hawks’
May 4, 2011

Hawks at a Distance: Identification of Migrant Raptors
Reviews, Books, Advanced ID, Reviews, Books, Family Guidesby Jerry Liguori
Amaze your birding pals with your ability to identify distant raptors!
July 3, 2008

The Wind Masters: The Lives of North American Birds of Prey
Reviews, Books, Family Guidesby Pete Dunne
Birding’s master storyteller reveals the lives of the North American raptors.
September 29, 2007

Raptors of North America: Natural History and Conservation
Reviews, Books, Family Guidesby Noel and Helen Snyder
A great introduction to the 53 raptors of North America (including owls).
February 24, 2007

Migrating Raptors of the World: Their Ecology and Conservation
Reviews, Books, Biology & Behaviorby Keith L. Bildstein
This book provides an thorough and enjoyable overview of raptor migration and conservation.
December 9, 2006

Hawks from Every Angle: How to Identify Raptors In Flight
Reviews, Books, Advanced ID, Reviews, Books, Family GuidesDecember 9, 2006

Raptors of North America: The Wheeler Guides
Reviews, Books, Advanced ID, Reviews, Books, Family Guidesby Brian K. Wheeler
Easily the best guide to North American raptors that I have seen.