Where did October go? And most of November, for that matter. Here, a little belatedly, are the bird book reviews that I saw last month. Nightjars of the World BrdPics Towheeblog The Eyrie Bird Songs Bible: The Complete, Illustrated Reference for North American Birds The Birdbooker Report Global Birding: Traveling the World in Search of […]
Posts Tagged ‘Birds of Western North America: A Photographic Guide’
I got a little behind with this. So here’s a nice, big list of bird book reviews from other sites. National Geographic Illustrated Birds of North America, Folio Edition Birdfreak: The Bird Conservation Blog The Birdchaser Prairie Spring: A Journey Into the Heart of a Season The Well-read Naturalist Birds of Eastern North America & […]
October 24, 2009

Birds of Eastern North America / Birds of Western North America: A Photographic Guide
Reviews, Books, Field Guidesby Paul Sterry and Brian E. Small
Incredible photographs and exceptional design highlight these new North American field guides.