Pocket Guide to Birds of Australia by Jeff Davies, Peter Menkhorst, Danny Rogers, Rohan Clarke, Peter Marsack, and Kim Franklin From Princeton University Press: This book is an easy-to-use and beautifully illustrated quick identification guide to all regularly occurring bird species in Australia. Carefully designed to provide key information at your fingertips to enable rapid […]
Posts Tagged ‘Australia’
The Australian Bird Guide by Peter Menkhorst, Danny Rogers, Rohan Clarke, Jeff Davies, Peter Marsack, and Kim Franklin From Princeton University Press: The Australian avifauna is large, diverse, and spectacular, reflecting the continent’s impressive habitats and evolutionary history. Looking at more than 900 species, The Australian Bird Guide is the most comprehensive field guide on […]
August 4, 2015
New Book: Birds and Animals of Australia’s Top End: Darwin, Kakadu, Katherine, and Kununurra
News, Book News
Birds and Animals of Australia’s Top End: Darwin, Kakadu, Katherine, and Kununurra by Nick Leseberg and Iain Campbell From Princeton University Press: One of the most amazing and accessible wildlife-watching destinations on earth, the “Top End” of Australia’s Northern Territory is home to incredible birds and animals–from gaudy Red-collared Lorikeets to sinister Estuarine Crocodiles and […]
Birds of Australia: A Photographic Guide by Iain Campbell, Sam Woods, and Nick Leseberg From Princeton University Press: Australia is home to a spectacular diversity of birdlife, from parrots and penguins to emus and vibrant passerines. Birds of Australia covers all 714 species of resident birds and regularly occurring migrants and features more than 1,100 […]
June 11, 2009

Vivonne Bay Blue: Superb Blue Wrens of Kangaroo Island
Reviews, Books, Art & Photography, Reviews, Books, Species Monographsby Gillian and Colin Rayment
A charming photo album of Australia’s Superb Blue Wren.
by Sean Dooley
A well-written and extremely entertaining chronicle of the author’s big year in Australia.