As I was kicking around ideas for today’s Warbler Week post, I thought about doing one on my favorite warbler book. But I realized there was a problem with that…I didn’t know what it was. Just as I can’t single out one particular warbler as my favorite, there are too many warbler books to pick […]
Posts Tagged ‘A Field Guide to Warblers of North America’
I reviewed A Field Guide to Warblers of North America, in the Peterson guide series, a while ago. Actually, it was one of the initial reviews posted when I started this site. Well, I hesitate to call it a “review” – it was just a few short paragraphs with no images. But I’ve remedied that […]
I agonize over the star ratings in my reviews. I don’t even know if anyone out there cares what the rating is, but I do. If I’m going to rate something, I want that rating to reflect my opinion as accurately as possible. The good thing is that the more reviews I do, the better […]
December 9, 2006

A Field Guide to Warblers of North America (Peterson Guide)
Reviews, Books, Advanced ID, Reviews, Books, Family Guidesby Jon Dunn and Kimball Garrett
The best field guide available for North American warblers.