It’s been kind of busy around here with the holidays and, oh yeah, the birth of our second child. Everyone is doing great, and we’re slowly getting back to “normal”. I’m slowly getting caught up with work (and sleep!), so more reviews will be coming soon. But in the meantime, here are some interesting items worth sharing.
I greatly enjoyed Simon Barnes’ How to Be a Bad Birdwatcher
, so I’m looking forward to his new one, Birdwatching With Your Eyes Closed
, especially after John Riutta’s review at The Well-read Naturalist. Be sure to check out a series of podcasts about the book this week.
Looking for some extra special bird books? Here are Ian “Birdbooker” Paulsen’s best bird books from the last few years.
Finally, the American Birding Association is getting in on the post-Thanksgiving deals with their 48 hour sale on membership. Until midnight (Mountain), Nov 30th, 2011, save $10 on a new membership or renewal. I’ve already written about why you should join the ABA, and this offer only sweetens the deal.
Posted by Grant McCreary on November 29th, 2011.