…in 2013! Yep, David Sibley is working on a revision to his Sibley Guide to Birds. I can’t wait! In the meantime, you can check out a plate for the new guide at Sibley’s Facebook page (you don’t have to have a Facebook account to view it).
This seems like a good time to remind you that there is also a Birder’s Library Facebook page, where you’ll find updates and news (like this about the Sibley guide).
Posted by Grant McCreary on January 22nd, 2012.
When will the revised edition of sibleys bird guide book be available for purchase? Do you have a shopping page?
I haven’t heard any updates as to when it will be available. But when there is news, it will likely be posted on David’s blog or Facebook page first. And then here as soon as I see it 🙂
I don’t have any specific shopping page. But I am an affiliate of Amazon.com
, which means that I get a small portion of anything (not just bird books) you purchase there via a link from this site, which goes toward running this site.