2013 was a great year for bird books, but based on the titles already announced 2014 may end up being even better! Here are some to be looking forward to.
Rare Birds of North America
by Steve N. G. Howell, Ian Lewington, and Will Russell
February 16, 2014; Princeton University PressThis is the first comprehensive treatment of vagrant birds to North America. And what birder doesn’t love vagrants? You can get a look inside on Amazon
Ten Thousand Birds: Ornithology since Darwin
by Tim Birkhead, Jo Wimpenny, and Bob Montgomerie
February 16, 2014; Princeton University PressI loved Birkhead’s The Wisdom of Birds, which also dealt with the history of ornithology. If his previous books are any indication, this one should be a great read.
The Sibley Guide to the Birds of North America, Second Edition
by David Allen Sibley
March 11, 2014; Alfred A. KnopfThis is the one that we are ALL looking forward to. The first edition was a game-changer, and I can’t wait to see this one.
The Thing with Feathers: The Surprising Lives of Birds and What They Reveal About Being Human
by Noah Strycker
March 20, 2014; RiverheadAccording to the publisher, this is “An entertaining and profound look at the lives of birds, illuminating their surprising world—and deep connection with humanity.” Sounds like a book for me, especially since it’s written by Noah Strycker, who’s writing I’ve enjoyed in various birding magazines and his first book, Among Penguins: A Bird Man in Antarctica.
Hummingbirds: A Life-Size Guide to Every Species
by Michael Fogden, Marianne Taylor, and Sheri L. Williamson
April 1, 2014; Harper DesignA book that illustrates every hummingbird species with life-sized photographs? What a fantastic idea! If you ever have the urge to drool uncontrollably, check out the extensive preview on Amazon
American Birding Association State Field Guides: Colorado
and New Jersey
April 1 and May 1, 2014 (respectively); Scott & Nix, Inc.I’m not a fan of most state field guides, but I have faith that the ABA and guide authors Ted Floyd (CO) and Rick Wright (NJ) will do these right.
Posted by Grant McCreary on February 5th, 2014.