The Birds of Panama: A Field Guide, by George R. Angehr and Robert Dean, is a very nice guide to the incredible birds found in Panama. If I’m ever lucky enough to bird there, it will always be on my person.
Want a copy for free? Then join the American Birding Association (or renew if you’re already a member). The first person to forward me proof of joining gets the book. Just
email me the confirmation email from the ABA (with any payment information removed, of course). For it to count, you need to join/renew after this is posted on my site.
Why the ABA? I’ve been a member for a while now, and feel strongly that they have something to offer any North American birder – beginner to expert. Right now, that’s mostly in the form of their wonderful publications. But I also believe they have a strong potential to advocate for birders. For them to do that, though, they need members. The organization has been in a rough patch recently, but they seem to be headed in the right direction now under the leadership of a new president.
A tip of the hat to the Birdchick podcast for planting the idea for this in my head.
Mobile apps for New World warblers and sparrows.
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by Jerry Liguori
Amaze your birding pals with your ability to identify distant raptors!
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I can’t believe it’s May already.
I’ll post about some recent app and DVD reviews soon.
by Norman Arlott
A new field guide for the Caribbean.
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by Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, and David A. Christie
The penultimate volume of the greatest series of bird books ever.
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Kenn Kaufman’s Advanced Birding has long been a required book for anyone wanting to come to grips with gulls, flycatchers, and other difficult-to-identify groups of North American birds. New this month is a new, updated edition – Kaufman Field Guide to Advanced Birding.
Any book by Kaufman is worth reading, especially one on bird identification. I’m in the process of going through it now, but in the meantime, you can get a look into it at Avian Review and The Birdbooker Report. There’s also a fantastic interview with Kaufman on the BirdWatching magazine blog.
by Dyan deNapoli
A powerful look inside the largest animal rescue in history.
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There was a little book published recently called The Crossley ID Guide. You may have noticed. Given all of the reviews online, it would be hard not to (I’ve added many reviews in the comments on the Crossley review roundup). But that’s not the only book being reviewed. Here are some others.